Razom extends our deepest sympathies to the victims of the recent attacks in Israel and all Palestinians suffering in its wake.  As an organization that has been working intensely with victims of war, terrorism and violence since February of 2022, Razom condemns the deliberate targeting of civilians and stands in solidarity with all who suffer at the hands of terrorists. We stand on the side of humanity.

We urge the global community to come together and combat unlawful violence and ensure that those who are responsible for such heinous acts are held accountable.

We also call on the global community to continue supporting a free and prosperous Ukraine and recognize that Russia’s actions against Ukraine and its people violate international law and human rights. We call on the international community to take necessary actions to hold those responsible accountable.

Kharkiv, the vibrant heart of northeastern Ukraine and its second-largest city, faces a brutal reality. As a major center of culture, education, and industry, Kharkiv, like Mariupol, Kherson, and other cities, faces unjust and unwarranted destruction.


Razom is doing everything we can to respond to the needs on the ground in Kharkiv, delivering aid through our programs.


Donate today and stand with Kharkiv!